who are not Almost 400 collectors of colonies in Germany, the rest of Europe and overseas are members of the Study Group, which was founded in Berlin in 1928 and is the oldest Study Group in the Society of German Philatelists. (BDPh)

Members receive twice yearly Bulletins for Colonial Collectors (Berichte) and two Newsletters.

The well printed Berichte which form the renowned journals of the Study Group have been appearing since 1948. At present they generally contain between 48 and 60 pages with contributions to colonial postal history and philately with numerous illustrations, some in colour.

The Newsletters serve to circulate information about what is happening in the Group. They also contain items about cancels and stamps, contributions to discussions, warnings concerning forgeries as well as reviews and offers of literature. Many of the articles are illustrated in black and white.

In addition the Study Group has since 1935 been publishing periodically its Catalogue of colonial postmarks and their prices, each edition always fully revised. Members receive this free of charge (Catalogue), and also a series Monographs on various topics covering colonial philately and history (Offers). (Publication series)

Further, there is an annual meeting of members, (heading meetings) as well as regional meetings, and a library accessible to all members.

The Annual Subscription is:
For all members living abroad € 50,–.
For members living in Germany who also belong to a local philatelic society or other study group affiliated to the BDPh € 50,–.
For members living in Germany with additional BDPh membership  € 73,–.
There is also an admission fee of € 15,–.

Should you be interested in joining please go to the section Become a member. Then complete the application form and send it to the Membership Secretary.